Look, no one likes to talk about it.
In fact, most people I consult with are embarrassed to even show me.
I’m talking about toenail fungus…
And these days, more and more people are developing it.
It’s not just older folks either.
I’m seeing a lot of younger people getting infected too.
The yellowish green toenails.
The cakey fungus.
The brittle nails and smelly discharge.
It’s a horrible thing to deal with.
And in a moment I’m going to show you cutting edge research from TOP universities in Europe, Canada and the United States that show that healthy fungus free toenails ARE possible at any age.
As well as a simple morning ritual that fights the root cause of toenail fungus while building up your immunity against future fungal attacks.
This odd yet highly effective morning ritual takes just 8 seconds per day and it’s different than anything you have ever heard about before.
It also works when nothing else has…
Because it stops fungal infections by going after its ROOT cause…
…and keeps it away for good.
Other so-called “remedies” just mask your symptoms.
Which means that even if by the grace of God the fungus on your toenails does appear to go away…
It’s STILL circulating in your blood and through your body…
Just waiting for its next opportunity to strike.
And what makes this simple morning ritual such a breakthrough in the treatment of toenail fungus is the fact that it also:
fights EVERY strain of fungi that can cause toenail fungus.
Kills the 4 PRIMARY forms of toenail fungus.
And keeps toenail fungus from ever coming back thanks to its ability to naturally build up your body’s defenses.
What this means for you is a life free from embarrassment…
And free from the shame and guilt associated with showing your feet in public.
It also means being able to go to the beach or the pool without worrying about what others will say…
…being able to wear sandals, flip flops and other open toed shoes freely and without regret.
And most importantly, it means never having to worry about fungal build up inside your body…
…attacking you from the inside and targeting vital organs like your heart and your brain.
Thousands of men and women have already discovered the secret to healthy toenails and have succesfully fight their toenail fungus…
Many of them in as little as 14 days or less.
And the best part is that this new breakthrough nail fungus treatment doesn’t involve any sort of creams, rubs or drops that almost never work anyway.
It has nothing to do with dangerous drugs like Lamisil, that beat up your liver and clog up your arteries instead of healing your infected toenails.
It doesn’t use expensive topicals that can irritate your skin and make you itch.
And it doesn’t involve costly laser surgery that can leave you permanently scarred.
Instead, THIS revolutionary fungus treatment addresses the root cause of fungal outbreaks regardless of whether it’s on your nails, your skin or an internal infection.
Even better, you can use it from the privacy of your own home.
It’s safe and easy, and it works whether you’ve had nail fungus for twenty days or twenty years…
Just like it has for over 26,396 people…
Leaving other doctors who have personally reached out to me, scratching their heads in disbelief
Put simply…
This morning ritual kills toenail fungus fast.
And if you’re one of the millions of people currently suffering with toenail fungus.
Your health could be at serious risk.
And it's urgent that you do something about it as soon as possible.
Otherwise you could run the risk of a systemic fungal infection that can attack your heart, lungs, brain, your liver and other organs too.
So keep watching.
Because in the next few minutes…
I’ll show you exactly WHY you have toenail fungus.
Where it comes from and why you can’t seem to get rid of it no matter how hard you try.
I will also share a simple morning ritual that can help protect you and your toenails from future fungal infections while reversing the damage that has already been done.
Bringing an end to embarrassing toenail fungus.
Returning your self-confidence and allowing you to take your life back into your own hands.
No more excuses as to WHY you never take off your shoes…
No more anxiety and worry about what others might think or say…
And no more feeling like some sort of social outcast.
Now I know that sounds like a big promise.
It might even go against everything you’ve ever been told.
Which is why I’m going to take great care to break down all of the research from top universities that backs up everything I’m saying…
Plus, I’ll explain why the rate of toenail fungas has more than doubled in the past few years.
Why people in the United States have the highest rate of toenail fungus in the world…
...and why their skyrocketing fungus problems are such a wake up call to the rest of the world.
How in some countries toenall fungus is virtually unheard of.
And a simple way you can model their success.
All that and more is coming up in just a minute...
And if you’re on this page right now…
It’s essential that you watch this video all the way to the very end.
Because as a doctor who has spent over two decades researching natural health protocols…
And 8 years obsessing over fungal infections and their impact on your health…
I’ve uncovered something that every man and women on earth desperately needs to hear.
My philosophy is that anytime there are challenges to our health the person with the most accurate information wins the battle.
Sure, there are exceptions…
But why take a chance when you don’t have to.
Lack of information leads to unnecessary struggle.
And sometimes a lot of needless pain and suffering.
So if you feel as if toenail fungus has been getting the best of you.
If you’re tired of looking down at toenails that are yellow, green and crusty.
If you’re embarrassed by how your toenails look and even more by how they smell…
If you feel like you’ve tried everything yet nothing has worked.
If you’ve had enough of NOT being able to take your shoes off or wear sandals or flip flops because you’re afraid to show your feet in public.
And if you’re worried that your toenail fungus will never go away.
Then you need the valuable information that I’m about to share in this video right now.
I promise, it’s nothing like anything you’ve heard before online or anywhere else.
And it can absolutely change your life.
Imagine the relief of eliminating toenail fungus once and for all…
Image NOT being worried that it will once again rear its ugly head….
Imagine taking off your shoes and socks with confidence and NOT being embarrassed or humiliated.
Well, all of these benefits and more can and will be yours.
Restoring your confidence, your self esteem and bringing you joy in everything you do…
So let me start by introducing myself.
Hi, my name is Dr. Marcel Capt.
For the past 32 years, I’ve been passionate about helping my patients heal naturally.
I’ve helped over 10,000 men and women fight their toenail fungus using a simple morning ritual that anyone can do from the comfort of their own home.
You see, the reason I became a doctor in the first place is because my greatest passion in life helping people improve their health and live their best life possible.
People like Sherry B, a 51 year old store manager who was suffering from terrible toenail fungus.
By the time Sherry came to see me, she’d already been to 3 doctors and had tried just about every treatment on the planet…
... but her toenail fungus continued to get worse and was now spreading to her other foot.
I was very concerned about Sherry because all of her toenail fungus was was destroying her nails and putting her health at risk.
Forget the embarrassment and shame associated with toenail fungus, Sherry like so many others, had no idea that fungus was running rampant and attacking her body from the inside out.
I became OBSESSED with finding a way to fight toenail fungus for good.
I spent every minute studying, researching and testing different methods…
…I looked at every treatment ever used to treat fungus and put it through the scientific ringer.
Some had promise, but most failed.
Until, ultimately I stumbled upon a method so powerful, so liberating for toenail fungus sufferers that I had to go back and recheck my research.
It blew my mind.
And after I share it with you, you too will finally have hope that living free from toenail fungus IS not only possible but easy too.
You see ...
I started paying close attention to a very disturbing trend.
You see, over the past 25 years fungal infections have been on the rise.
And the number of people suffering from toenail fungus has grown exponentially.
Just recently, a study published in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology found that the prevalence of toenail fungus is up by more than 250%.
And to understand why…
We need to first look at what toenail fungus is, how it starts and why it’s so dangerous.
You see, fungus enters the body from external sources.
Moist environments for example are a breeding ground for fungus.
So places like swimming pools, locker rooms and showers can be a BIG external source of fungus.
However, there’s one external source of fungus that’s even bigger.
And that is the air we breathe.
Surprising right?
It surprised me too.
But back in 2006 the Center for Disease Control, better known as the CDC made an announcement about the dangers of airborne fungus.
In 2010, after several people died as a result of airborne fungal infections…they issued another release to notify the public that airborne fungus was beginning to spread across the United States like a swarm of deadly murder hornets.[1]
Then in 2016 researchers at Yale University came out with even more bad news…
They discovered that home air conditioning units can actually increase your chances of acquiring an airborne fungal infection by as much as 200%.[2]
These fungal spores are everywhere and to make matters worse they multiply on every surface they touch.
Scientists have even found them on food items in the supermarket.
There’s fungus in your house, your office, in shopping centers, restaurants, hotels and everywhere in between.
It’s no wonder cases of toenail fungus are running rampant.
And what makes all this even more dangerous is the fact that toenail infections, rashes and hotspots as well as dry, itchy and scaly skin…
Are often the LAST symptoms to emerge of a systemic fungal infection.
In other words, has been growing inside your body long before you ever notice your first discolored toenail.
If you’re having a hard time imagining it take a look at this picture.
It’s a crystal clear swimming pool.
Notice how clean and sparkling it is?
That’s how our body is on the inside when we’re healthy.
But take a look at the same pool a week after stop putting chlorine in it and it becomes a filthy, stagnant cesspool.
A breading ground filled with fungi and bacteria.
The longer it goes without chlorine, the more the fungi grows.
Until eventually it looks something like this.
The same thing that happens in your body.
When there’s nothing to protect you against fungal overgrowth…
The fungus multiplies…
And slowly begins to destroy your health, eating you alive from the inside out.
The question is, how can we possibly remain fungus free when there is fungus all around us?
Well, I can tell you one thing…
It certainly isn’t using drugs like Terbinafine and Sporanox.
Sure they may be able to clear up an infection temporarily.
But it rarely lasts.
In fact, researchers from the University of Miami recently released a study showing relapse rates for toenail fungus were as high as 63%.[3]
Plus, these methods often come with some serious side-effects.
Things like dizziness, nausea, headaches and diarrhea.
In one report written by the National Institute of Diabetes, Digestive and Kidney Diseases researchers clearly linked Lamisil to a potentially fatal liver injury.[4]
Again, these drugs may temporarily clear up your toenail fungus, but after taking them that could be the least of your worries.
Not to mention, they do nothing about the PRIMARY cause of toenail fungus.
It’s not laser treatments either.
These can run you £700.00 per treatment and most people need 3 treatments, so this can easily cost over £2,000.00 each time you have toenail fungus.
And once again they don’t address the PRIMARY cause of toenail fungus.
So what can we do to fight toenail fungus instead of using dangerous and costly treatments?
The same simple morning ritual I recommend to all of my patients suffering from toenail fungus.
I’l tell you all about it in just a moment.
First let me tell you how it works.
You see, there’s a reason why some people are plagued with toenail fungus while others are not.
After all, we all breathe the same air, go to the same shopping centers and visit the same restaurants.
Yet some people remain fungus free?
Well, it’s the same reason why that crystal clear pool I showed you a second ago stays so clean and refreshing.
It has something in it that kills fungus and bacteria.
In the case of the pool it’s chlorine.
But in your body it’s your immune system.
See, we’re all exposed to fungi and bacteria every single day.
But when your immune system is healthy and strong…
Your body easily destroys these unwanted guests long before they can do any sort of real damage.
When your immune system is weak however, you become a sitting duck.
Now here’s where things get interesting.
You see, toenail fungus and other fungal overgrowth is commonly associated with problems in your digestive system which is the largest internal organ in your body.[5]
It also happens to be home to your immune system.
When your digestive tract is compromised, so is your ability to fight a fungal infection.
And it all has to do with the balance of bacteria in your gut.
You see, your gut is home to both good and bad bacteria.
The ideal ratio is somewhere around 80% good bacteria and 20% bad bacteria.
When you have more than 20% bad bacteria in your gut it creates the perfect environment for fungus to grow.
But as you shift back to the more ideal 80% good 20% bad…
The fungus begins to die off.
Plus, as your about to see certain types of “good bacteria” are also what are known as antifungals.
Which means they seek out and destroy fungus.
So how does your gut bacteria get out of balance?
For starters a lot of it has to do with the foods we eat.
Processed foods, sugar, artificial sweeteners and preservatives destroy good gut bacteria.
But so do certain common methods.
In fact, one of the biggest culprits is antibiotics.
One recent study published in the journal Nature found that antibiotics are deadly to good gut bacteria.[6]
And a study published in the journal Frontiers In Cellular and Infection Microbiology called antiobiotics major disruptors of good gut bacteria.[7]
The problem is, antibiotics are way overprescribed.
And they are commonly given to children for childhood infections.
Which means that gut health issues often start early in life.
And get this…
According to the CDC about 47 million antibiotic courses each year are prescribed for infections that don't need antibiotics by U.S. doctors.[8]
No wonder toenail fungus is on the rise!
The question is…
How do you rebalance your gut bacteria after all of the damage has been done?
Well there are 2 ways really.
The first is by going on a strict and somewhat unnatural diet.
And you do that by eliminating foods that encourage bad bacterial growth.
Things like processed foods, refined sugars and simple carbs.
Then you add foods to your diet that have high levels of a specific type of good bacteria called “Probiotics”.
Now, most people have heard the term probiotics.
You probably have too.
If not, they’re essentially clusters of good bacteria that live in your gut.
They form colonies that out number bad bacteria and fungi.
Probiotics were first discovered way back in 1908 by Nobel Prize winning physiologist Elie Metchnikoff as he was investigating the reason behind the long lifespan in Bulgaria.
After his investigation he concluded that it was due to their diet.
More specifically their high consumption of probiotic rich yogurt.
But make no mistake…
Yogurt today is NOT a good source of probiotics.
That’s because it goes through the pasteurization process which destroys the good bacteria, plus they’re usually loaded with excess sugar.
So don’t expect to see any probiotic benefits from eating regular store bought yogurt.
Instead opt for foods like sauerkraut, kefir, and fermented foods.
Get rid of all the bad stuff and replace them with these instead.
It may take a while but eventually you will have a balanced gut.
Which means your toenail fungus will also begin to dissapear.
But let’s be honest here.
In this day and age, it’s almost impossible to eat that way.
You’ll have to stop eating out, you’ll have to pack your food when you go on a trip and it will be difficult to find the foods you need if you venture too far from home.
It’s NOT easy.
Luckily, you don’t have to do all that in order to rebalance your gut bacteria and fight toenail fungus.
That’s because there is a way to load your gut with Probiotics.
And you don’t have to change your diet at all.
Instead, you can take real live bacteria in pill form with your meals.
No matter what you’re eating.
And this “live” good bacteria populates your gut and offsets the bad bacteria.
Once this happens, your body begins to change.
Your digestion improves, your energy and overall health gets better.
And the most important benefit is that your immune system begins to function properly.
This means you are no longer vulnerable to all of that external fungus.
Instead, your body deals with these invaders and fights them.
Keeping you healthy and out of harms way.
And that’s why I created the first and only premium probiotic that targets fungus.
I call it Easy Fungus and it’s unlike any other toenail fungus supplement or probiotic you’ve seen advertised in stores on the internet.
In fact, I scientifically formulated this all natural product myself.
And I designed it specifically to:
fight unsightly toenail fungus and safeguard you against fungal overgrowth now and in the future, while restoring your confidence, self-assurance and most of all your peace of mind.
I'll share all the ingredients in Easy Fungus and the research behind them with you in just a moment, that way you can see exactly how it works.
But before we get to that, I want to just say one thing.
As a doctor who is focused on natural health and one who is actively teaching future doctors and working with patients every single day…
My reputation is everything to me.
I would never put my name on something I didn’t 100% believe in, there's simply no upside.
I'd be risking my multi decade career of service and putting my life’s work in jeopardy.
So when I tell you that Easy Fungus is one of the most exciting breakthroughs in the treatment of toenail fungus ever…
I mean it.
And when I say that it's a proven way to free yourself from the shackles and the burden of toenail fungus.
You can feel confident that it's the God's honest truth.
The Easy Fungus formula has been used by thousands of men and women worldwide.
With stories from real life users coming in every single day.
And soon, it could be you.
I want you to imagine that it's a few weeks from now and you slip of your shoes and socks…and for the first time in a LONG time you’re not embarrassed or worried.
Imagine watching as your toenails go from yellowish-green, cracked and infected to a fresh, healthy pink.
Imagine not having to make excuses for NOT wanting to take off your shoes.
Wearing flip flops and sandals without givein it a second thought.
Well that's exactly what thousands of real life Easy Fungus users are reporting to me right now.
Folks like…
Michael, B.
He says, “For years I struggled with toenail fungus. I’ve used over the counter remedies, method and I even paid for laser treatments. Nothing worked. Now after just 3 weeks of using Easy Fungus, my toenail fungus is gone.”
And Paula, T.
“Who says, toenail fungus is unbeatable? I started to notice a discoloration on my right big toenail and soon after 3 of the toenails on my right foot were infected. Now, thanks to Easy Fungus, I am now completely fungus free.”
Finally, there’s Margaret, R.
She says, “Forget about the embarrassment associated with not wanting to take off your shoes, I can live with that. But the smell associated with my toenail fungus was beyond anything I could have ever imagined. I tried everything to get rid of my fungus, but it never went away. Thanks to Easy Fungus, that’s all behind me now.”
And there's no reason why you can't join them.
In fact, joining them right now has never been easier.
Because today, I’m offering a huge savings on Easy Fungus.
A savings that isn't available anywhere else.
And you're not going to want to miss that, especially if you like feeling incredible and saving money.
But before we get to that special savings, let me quickly go over the ingredients inside Easy Fungus and share some of the research with behind this amazing formula with you…
That way you can see just how special and unique it is and how it fights toenail fungus and protects you from future infections.
Ok, so the first ingredient is one you may have heard of.
It’s a powerful natural anti-inflammatory and proven immune system booster.
And what a lot of people don’t know about it is that it’s also a powerful anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and anti-viral.
I’m talking about turmeric and more specifically the active ingredient inside of turmeric called curcumin.
In one study published in the Canadian Journal of Microbiology researchers found that curcumin was effective against 14 strains of candida.[9]
And in case you didn’t know, Candidiasis is a fungal infection originating from yeast.
Now as I mentioned turmeric is a powerful anti-inflammatory and it works especially well on gut inflammation.
In a study published in the journal Nutrients a team of Italian researchers found that curcumin can influence gut bacteria composition. In other words curcumin helps to create an environment where the growth of bacterial strains needed to maintain proper gut health is encouraged.[10]
Put simply, turmeric with its antifungal properties, its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant capabilities along with its ability to boost immune function makes turmeric a powerful nutrient in the fight against fungus.
There’s just one little problem.
Turmeric is notoriously hard to absorb.
Meaning you can take as much of it as you want but only a small fraction of it will ever be absorbed.[11]
The good news is that scientists have found a way to increase the absorption turmeric.
And that’s by combining it with black pepper.
You see, certain types of black pepper contain a molecule called piperine and this molecule has been shown to increase absorption of turmeric by a much as 2000%.[12]
Piperine also enhances absorption of other nutrients too. Which is why I added to the Easy Fungus Formula.
And now you have access to the same clinically effective dose used in all the research.
But as powerful as those two ingredients are that’s not all you’ll find inside of Easy Fungus.
The next step is to introduce specific strains of probiotics designed to boost immunity, enhance gut health and improve digestion while eliminating fungus.
I personally selected 10 probiotic strains based on both the strength of the research behind them but also their ability to help fight fungus.
The first six of which are part of the Lactobacillus species.
These include Lactobacillus Acidophyllus, Lactobacillus Salivarius, Lactobacillus Plantarum, Lactobacillus Rhamnosus, Lactobacillus Fermentum and Lactobacillus Reuteri.
There have been over a dozen studies done on this powerful probiotic family and particularly its ability to fight fungus.
In one study, researchers from Poland found that Lactobacillus was effective in reducing fungal colonization. It also shortens the duration of fungal colonization in the gut.[13]
In a separate study published in the International Journal of Pharmaceutical Investigation Lactobacillus was shown to have powerful anti-fungal properties.[14]
The next probiotic species I selected was Bifidobacterium.
This includes Bifidobacterium Lactis, Bifidobacterium Bifidum and Bifidobacterium Longum.
In one study done by researchers in the UK Bifidobacterium was found to inhibit fungal growth.[15]
A separate study also from the UK published in Microbiology Society found that bifidobacteria offered significant protection against fungal infection and boosted your natural defenses against fungi.[16]
Finally I added Bacillus Subtilis to the Easy Fungus Formula.
This strain is one of the most powerful antifungal probiotics on the planet.
In one study published in the journal Food Control found that Bacillus Subtilis is not only a powerful antifungal, but it actually seeks out and destroys fungal cells.[17]
Together this remarkable “blend” of probiotics — delivers 6 Billion CFU’s or colony forming units and is one of most potent fungal blocking probiotics formulas ever created.
And when combined with turmeric and piperine toenail fungus doesn’t stand a chance.
But I didn’t stop there.
You see, in addition to my anti-fungal probiotic blend I also added a clinical dose of inulin.
Inulin is what’s known as a prebiotic.
And prebiotics are specialized plant fibers that act like fertilizer to your good gut bacteria.
Which helps them thrive and grow.
Now as powerful as that is, that’s not the only reason I added it.
You see, inulin is also a potent antifungal.
In a study published by the Royal Society of Chemistry researchers found that inulin possessed excellent antifungal, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.[18]
Together these ingredients work better than anything else I’ve ever seen and the results have been nothing short of amazing.
Now don't forget, the reason why they work so well together is because not only do they individually target and destroy fungus.
They also protect against it ever coming back.
That is super important because without targeting the REAL cause of fungal overgrowth which is a weakened immune system. you leave yourself vulnerable to another attack.
My goal was to create a complete antifungal formula.
And that’s exactly what I did.
Every single ingredient inside Easy Fungus was added for a very specific reason.
And when I say that I believe Easy Fungus is the #1 fungal solution out there…
You know that I’m serious.
And you can bet that I did everything in my power to make that true.
I also made it super easy to take.
Just take two easy to swallow capsules per day for at least 30 days longer if you want lasting protection.
You should know that Easy Fungus is vegan friendly, glucose free, lactose free and soy free.
And every bottle is made in the United States.
So with all this being said, you’re probably wondering how you can get your hands on Easy Fungus and how much you should take.
Let me start with the first question…
And to be honest, it's very difficult for the general public to get access to Easy Fungus.
That’s because the scientifically proven ingredients inside Easy Fungus must be cultivated in a sterile state-of-the-art facility, then kept fresh through a proprietary process.
And because Easy Fungus helps to fight toenail fungus and keep it away for good with almost zero effort, pretty much everyone who uses it keeps on asking for more of it.
Because they love the fact that they are no longer embarrassed by unsightly toenail fungus.
And after years, even decades of fungal overgrowth.
Regaining their freedom feels pretty darn good.
But as word continues to spread, Easy Fungus is becoming extremely popular both here in the UK, in America and the rest of the world too.
Which as you can imagine is putting even more of a strain on production, especially with today's supply chain issues.
It can take up to three months to custom create a fresh batch.
And because of the high quality standards I insist on for every single ingredient inside Easy Fungus…
The fact that it not only fights fungs fast…
...but shields you from future fungal outbreaks.
Even people who don't currently have active toenail fungus want it…
And that’s smart.
Because with our constant exposure to fungus, bacteria and viruses it’s more important than ever to keep your immune system strong.
The odds really are stacked against you.
Now, because Easy Fungus is expensive to make, takes up to three months to produce a single batch and keeps selling out, we don’t usually have any Easy Fungus available for new customers.
With that said, I don't want anyone to suffer from the discomfort and embarrassment of toenail fungus, which is why, in the next few moments…
I'll share how today and on this page only, you can get your very own supply of Easy Fungus…
At an unbelievably low price.
It’s all because of our brand new program called “Freedom From Fungus.”
It’s a worldwide initiative to educate peeople on the dangers of fungal overgrowth and to provide them with an all natural solution that supports their immune system.
I’ll tell you more about it in just a moment.
First, back to the other question.
How much Easy Fungus should you take?
That's simple.
Just take two capsules each day for at least 30 days.
The reason it's important to take Easy Fungus for at least 30 days is pretty straightforward.
You see, while the ingredients inside go to work right away, chances are there's a large buildup of fungus in your body right now.
In fact, I’d go so far as to guarantee it and the research confirms it.
If you've noticed your toentail fungus seems to be getting worse and you’ve tried just about everything to find relief…
Then you’ll want to do everything you can right now, before it's too late.
Plus even after Easy Fungus has helped fight your toenail fungus, and boosted your immunity through better gut health you'll want to continue that protection.
Trust me our exposure to fungi is only getting worse.
That's why most people prefer to get at least three bottles of Easy Fungus and six bottles if you want the deepest level of protection.
That way, you're doing everything in your power to fight against the harmful effects of these dangerous fungal spores.
And continuing to use Easy Fungusr is your best bet for healthy toenails, a healthy immune system and good gut health.
Right now, all over the world, men and women are suffering from toenail fungus and other fungal infections.
Folks whose fungal problems range from a mild annoyance to a full blown crisis are discovering Easy Fungus and putting it to the test.
Just like Clara, B.
She says, “Before using Easy Fungus my toenails were discolored, weak aand brittle, but now they’re healthy and pink.”
And John S., who says, “I was really beginning to worry about my toenail fungus. My toes looked terrible and they were also started to really hurt. But Easy Fungus changed all that. And now I am 100% fungus free.”
Finally, Barbara, M., says, “With Easy Fungus, I feel like my toenails can finally heal. No more stress or worry. I feel great and will keep using it for the foreseeable future.”
Stories like this come in daily.
And I should also mention that Easy Fungus is only available on this website, and only while supplies last.
Easy Fungus is your chance to ditch the embarrassment, the discomfort and the dangers associated with fungal overgrowth.
And it can protect you now and for years to come.
You can say goodbye to the expensive, side effect filled alternatives that provide only minor relief if any at all.
Instead you can enjoy real and lasting protection against fungus.
Watch as your toenails begin to change from a yellow green color and pink healthy nails begins to show.
Experience the relief as the itching and scratching stops and the foul odor disappears.
And feeling confident in the fact that you can NOW go about your day without having to worry about toenail fungus.
Forgetting about having to constantly cover your feet and hiding your zombie looking toenails.
Simply put, think of how great it will be to finally feel like your old self again.
Now, don’t get me wrong.
You do have “other options” ...
You could run out and buy all the usual over the counter remedies, get a prescription from your doctor for some toxic stuff or spend thousands on laser treatments.
Just keep in mind though that they may not address the root cause of your problem...namely a weakened immune system due to poor gut health.
Wasting time with some of these other solutions all but guarantees your boidy and your toenails will continue to be under attack by fungus.
Which means your health will continue to be at risk.
As the fungal overgrowth leads to even more health issues, more expensive treatments, more dangerous stuff, painful procedures and a life of stress and anxiety.
That's why we first set the investment in Easy Fungus to £149 per bottle, which honestly, I think is extremely fair.
For less than my patients pay for a 30 minute consultation with me and a lot more than you’ll pay for doctor visits, excruciating diagnostic procedures, laser treatment and prescription drugs.
Yet unlike any of those approaches, Easy Fungus is what I believe to be the only real chance of eliminating toenail fungus once and for all.
Plus, when you consider the fact that there's only one facility in the world that meets my quality control expectation that each capsule contains the purest and most bioavailable form of these ingredients on the planet…
£149 doesn’t really sound all that bad.
In fact, it’s a bargain if you ask me.
But this is not about making money.
This is about fulfilling my desire to help as many people as possible all over the world, protect themselves from the growing risk of fungus.
I’ve seen far too many people’s lives ruined by their weakened immune systems and the opportunistic fungal overgrowth.
I’ve seen people lose toes and feet, I’ve seen fungus attack their lungs, their heart and even their brain.
And I don't want that to happen to you.
That's why I’ve decided to offer my toenail fungus eliminating formula to the public through my special “Freedom From Fungus” program.
When you act right now…
And make the decision to join the 26,396 men and women from all over the world who’ve made Easy Fungus part of their morning habit.
You’ll save £100 off each bottle by claiming your very own supply of 26,396 for just £49.
But that’s just for starters.
Because after seeing so many of my patients come to me in tears, desperately looking for an answer to their toenail fungus problems.
It was a wakeup call that no matter how good you think your genes are, no matter how much you exercise, eat right and do all the things you are supposed to do…
Toenail fungus and other fungal infections can happen and because of our constant exposure to fungus, bacteria, molds and viruses they happen a LOT more often than they used to.
The good news is you can put those worries to rest and protect yourself starting right now.
With a discounted package plan that's only available today, on this webpage as part of my “Freedom From Fungus” program and only while supplies last.
Where you can save even more, by claiming 6 bottles of Easy Fungus for just £34 per bottle.
That’s a savings of more than 75%.
You’ll also get free shipping, which is an additional savings of £9.95.
But both the special multi-bottle discount and the free shipping are limited.
When we run out of Easy Fungus , it could take up to three months before another batch is available.
So click this six-bottle package or any other package you choose below this video right now to secure your order.
This is truly one of the smartest and most important investments you’ll ever make.
A single bottle of Easy Fungus will get to work fighting the impact of fungal overgrowth.
Three bottles will do the same thing, while supporting immune system health..
And six bottles of Easy Fungus will give you a full six months of protection, freeing you from the prison of a toenail fungus.
In other words, that six months of immune system support, equals six months of freedom.
Freedom to live your life without having to worry what people think when you take off your shoes or if your toenails smell bad.
Freedom to wear sandals, flip flops or go barefoot knowing that your feet are healthy, fresh and clean..
Freedom to enjoy life without the stress, anxiety or embarrassment that comes with living with toenail fungus.
And finally, the freedom to live life on your terms.
So given everything you’ve just been told...
Isn’t it safe to say that you’re at least interested in trying Easy Fungus out for yourself?
I sure hope so…
And all you have to do to claim your discount is simply click the button below now to order the 6-month supply or whichever amount makes the most sense to you.
After you’ve selected your package...
You’ll then be taken to our secure order page where you can fill out your shipping and payment information...
Once you hit “enter” you’ll land on our confirmation page which will carefully explain exactly what you can expect with your order…
Including when you’ll receive your package and how to track it.
Most people should get their order within 5-7 business days.
You’ll also get an email which includes the same information.
Including the contact of our friendly, support team who can help you with any questions you might have along the way.
Since I’ve worked with so many people, all over the world.
I understand the vital importance of your privacy..
Which is why our secure order form uses the same professional-grade, 256-bit encryption technology as places like Amazon, eBay and Walmart…
So you can place your order today with total confidence.
Now let me tell you about my “risk-free guarantee”.
And it couldn’t be any simpler.
As soon as your first order of Easy Fungus arrives on your doorstep…
You’ll likely want to tear right into the package to try it out for yourself…
Just take two, easy-to-swallow capsules each morning as directed for as long as 6 months...
And feel watch as your fungus disappears.
Then you have a full 60 days to “test drive” Easy Fungus for yourself...
And if you’re as happy with your order - like more than 26,396 other men and women are.
Then I couldn’t be more thrilled.
But if for any reason or no reason at all you’re not 100% satisfied with your order.
Here’s what I want you to do.
Go find the email or phone number for our support team that will be given to you…
You’ll find it listed on your confirmation page, confirmation email, the inside of every order you receive and on our website here…
And simply let us know by saying…
“Hey Doc, Easy Fungus just wasn’t right for me…”
Then our friendly, customer support team will be happy to return every single dime of your investment back to you...
They won’t ask you any questions...
Nobody’s going to sit there and quiz you to see if you really tried it or not…
Nope, just let us know that Easy Fungus wasn’t right for you…
And we’ll issue you an immediate, hassle-free refund.
To put it bluntly...
If Easy Fungus doesn’t work for you — you pay nothing.
That’s just how I believe business should be done…
Either you love our product or you don’t pay a dime.
What could be simpler than that?
So go ahead, choose your Easy Fungus package below right now to get started!
Now I know that offering a guarantee like this makes us as vulnerable as your prostate.
And a few unscrupulous people who might try and take advantage of this offer…
But honestly, I’m not really worried about them.
I’m way more worried about the man who’s listening to this right now and thinking to themselves…
“You know what, Dr. Capt?”
Everything you’re saying makes a lot of sense…
But I can’t help but still feel a little worried.
What if this doesn’t work for me?”
Well, now you don’t have to worry about any of that…
Because I’ve just removed all of the risk off your shoulders and put it squarely on my own.
The only reason we’re able to make this bold of a guarantee is because so many people who try Easy Fungus become raving fans...
Making our refund rate staggeringly low.
But now you don’t have to believe all of the clinical studies I’ve shared with you…
You don’t have to take anyone’s word for it…
You don’t even have to take my word for it...
Nope, now you can experience Easy Fungusfirsthand for yourself…
And even though I’m confident that you’ll love it as much as the vast majority of our customers…
Either way you’re 100% protected by our 60-day, unconditional money-back guarantee.
So you can order with total confidence.
And this just gives you another reason to take advantage of this “buy more, save more” offer and order the 6-month supply…
Because it really is the smartest option.
I mean if you’re protected either way...
Doesn’t it make the most sense just to give yourself the best shot at experiencing the full benefit of Easy Fungus...
...knowing that you risk nothing either way?
I certainly think so...
Either way you win..
If you love Easy Fungus then you’re locked into our lowest-rate of just £34.00 per bottle...saving more than anybody else...
And if Easy Fungus doesn’t work for you…
Then you simply ask for a refund and lose nothing.
No matter what happens, you truly only have everything to gain and nothing to lose.
Go ahead and choose your Easy Fungus package below right now to get started!
There are no subscriptions here, no sneaky rebills, no surprise charges…
It’s an honest deal, and an incredible product…
And you should know that the vast majority of people end up choosing the 6-month option...
And then they continue to come back for more and more each month after that.
It really is incredible and something I am super proud of.
But to be honest, we do on occasion run into a few “logistical problems”...
And here’s what I mean by that:
As more and more people begin to find out about Easy Fungus.
It puts a strain on our supply capacity…
And with everything that’s going on in the world…
Supply chain issues, worker shortage, ships blocking the Suez Canal...
As well as the fact that we source our ingredients from their point of origin in multiple countries around the world...
Sometimes we experience temporary “out of stocks.”
Obviously, we do our best to avoid this…
But that’s just the simple reality of trying to get a product like this out to so many people placing big orders all at once.
You don’t have to worry, though…
Because as long as you’re watching this video right now and don’t see any sort of “out of stock” icon anywhere popping up...
Then we still have bottles of Easy Fungus left in stock.
But I really wanted to make this note for you because I can’t say for sure when we might run out of stock next...
And I don’t ever want you to be in that unfortunate situation where you fall in love with Easy Fungus…
Only to come back to this page a month later to find that it’s completely sold out.
So that’s just one last reason why our 6-month option is our most popular...
Because not only does it enable you to experience the full benefit of Easy Fungus…
But it also gives you plenty of time to place a follow-up order if you choose to.
So just go ahead and order the 6-month supply, or whatever makes the most sense to you.
Now we’re at that point where it’s time to make a decision.
You’ve already seen all of the science behind this breakthrough solution…
And heard the remarkable stories of people just like you who have truly transformed their life in just seconds a day…
I stand fully behind this product…
And I’ve done everything I can to make ordering today one of the easiest, most logical decisions you’ve ever made.
No matter which size order you place, you’re 100% protected by our 60-day unconditional money-back guarantee...
The only reason I made this video is because I believe that Easy Fungus truly can help support and protect you from fungus.
I have an insanely busy practice and teaching schedule.
So the fact that I’m talking to you now should tell you just how fully I place my entire confidence behind Easy Fungus.
Ultimately though, it’s up to you to make a decision.
You’re the only one who can take that first step in the direction of a radically new life.
And while I’d never ask you to do something you don’t want to do…
I can’t help but notice that if you’ve watched this far…
Then it’s likely that something I’ve said has sparked some kind of curiosity or interest inside of you…
But if for any reason you still feel a little “on the fence…”
Then I have to ask that you please don’t let fear or doubt hold you back…
Because you’re 100% safe and protected.
I truly hope that if I’m speaking to you…
That you can say to yourself...
“You know what, Dr. Capt?
You’re right, I’ve got nothing left to lose and everything to gain…
...and I’m ready to give it a shot.”
Because that’s the truth of the reality of the decision that faces you now.
And when you really think about it, what’s the alternative?
I can only imagine all of the “failed solutions” you’ve tried in the past that left you feeling frustrated, anxious and hopeful…
But now you have something completely different right in front of you…
You could leave this page right now after hearing everything I’ve shared.
But what will change?
I can’t say for sure what you’ve tried in the past…
But if you’re here now then it’s likely that nothing else has really worked for you.
So if you leave this page now without at least trying something new...
Doesn’t it seem likely that you’ll just end up back on that “hamster-wheel” of disappointments?
Feeling frustrated by how you feel…
Feeling stressed out by the thought of people seeing your infected toenails..
And feeling worried about what that fungus is doing to the rest of your body.
You and I both know that’s no way to live life.
Which is why I’m now reaching out my hand to offer you a way out...
You don’t even have to say “yes…”
All you have to do is say “maybe…”
“Maybe this will work, Dr. Capt…
Maybe this will be everything you say it is…
And since I’ve got nothing to lose, let me give it a try…”
You could be just moments away from feeling like you’ve got a new lease on life.
Just moments from bounding from eliminating your toenail fungus.
Enjoying an active healthy lifestyle without worry, fret or fear.
And living each day feeling like you’re in control.
All of that and more could be on just the other side of this page...
And while whatever you decide is completely up to you...
I truly do hope I get to see you on the other side of this page.
All you have to do to get started is just choose your package from below right now...
And I’ll see you on the “other side” to help you continue your journey.
Regardless of your choice…
I want to personally thank you for taking the time to watch this presentation.
I wish you all the health and happiness in the world.
7 Second Pause
Still there?
Look, I know I just covered a lot.
So let me go ahead and answer some of the most common questions I get.
One, how does Easy Fungus work again?
So, as I mentioned, my major breakthrough was realizing that we’re always exposed to fungus and other pathogens like bacteria and viruses.
Yet not everyone gets sick or develops toenail fungus.
Primarily, it’s all about the health of your immune system and more specifically the health of your gut.
The Easy Fungus Formula delivers powerful probiotics and other nutrients proven to fight fungus and restore healthy gut function by boosting your immunity.
Question #2.
Who should take Easy Fungus?
Well, if you would have asked me that question 10 years ago, I would have said just people with active toenail fungus.
Now, with all the new research showing that toenail fungus is often one of the last symptoms associate with fungal overgrowth,
My suggestion is that anyone who has ever had toenail fungus should be taking it regularly.
It's also for people who want to keep their immune systems strong, their gut healthy and who want to stay protected from not just fungus, but from bacteria, viruses, molds and other organisms out there.
Question #3.
What happens after I click the button below?
Once you choose your package below, you'll go to our 100% secure checkout page.
Then just enter your payment information and place your order.
And don’t worry, there's no automatic billing or anything like that.
After that, you'll receive your order of Easy Fungus in the next five to seven business days in a discreet package, which means you're less than a week away from eliminating your toenail fungus while protecting yourself from future fungal outbreaks.
Question #4.
What if it doesn’t work for me?
That’s easy. Remember, Easy Fungus comes with a 60-day 100% money back guarantee.
That means you order Easy Fungus today, then have a full 60 days to decide if it's right for you.
If you're like the thousands of other men and women who have used Easy Fungus already, then you will be thrilled with the results.
But if for any reason you’re not…
Simply call or email our customer service team and we'll refund your investment with zero questions asked.
Question #5.
How long will Easy Fungus be available?
That's a tough one.
My goal is to make a huge impact by significantly reducing toenail fungus and other fungal related issues around the world.
But because big pharma isn't too happy with me and my breakthrough formula it's uncertain how much longer Easy Fungus will be available.
Here in Europe, these ingredients are more accepted, but in the United States there is a LOT of red tape.
Plus, all the issues our world is facing right now, the economy isn't what it used to be.
Supply chains are affected and ingredients are a little harder to come by.
That's why it's important you get Easy Fungus today, especially since it comes with a 60-day 100% money back guarantee, which means there's zero risk to you.
It’s also why you really should stock up.
Question #6.
Alright, I want to try Easy Fungus, now what?
That’s the easy part.
Just click one of the buttons below and choose your package.
Remember, you can get started and save 75% by choosing our most popular six-bottle package.
Just fill out your details on the next page to complete your order, and Easy Funguswill be in your hands within the next five to seven business days.
Plus, there's no risk because of my ironclad, 60-day guarantee.
This presentation is now ending.
And I want to thank you for sticking with me all the way until the end.
Go ahead and choose your package now.
Take Easy Fungus as directed for at least 30 days, then reach out and let me know what you think.
Thanks for watching
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